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The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :has anyone else ever had this problem? car drives relatively straight but I take pits to repair damage under yellow anyways. I go to exit pits and car doesn't turn left at all. happened twice in the same race where the rear tires got bent out of line but drove fine before I pitted.

Not happend to me yet. Is it happening on any track with any car?
The Very End
S3 licensed
I cannot contribute with anything here sadly, but just wanted to pop in and saying that I'll keeping an eye on this. Intersting to see what people with solid minds can accomplish.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Friend Id like to ****?
Faggot I want to ****?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Tor would stick it in the exhaust.

I would stick it up your exhaust pipe, that's for sure.
The Very End
S3 licensed
How strict and how long has those previous attemts on gun regulation been? I am sure that a countrywide reform over a longer periode of time would show some results. Results will not be big in the start, because a whole culture would need to be changed. But with time I'm suree there would be a significant noticeable change.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Is that a ballsackt in the crouch? Wtf is that, shemale plane???
The Very End
S3 licensed
I a kind of having a meltdown over here after watching and reading about Japanese Spider Crabs....fml
The Very End
S3 licensed
Don't you start ; p
Since we are so far topic, lets talk about fear. I am genuinly, no kidding, scared as hell.og spider and crabs. I dunno what or why this is based on, but it is really quite horrible. When I was a young boy I was affraight of bathing i n the oceas because I was affraight of crabs. Over the years I have tried to overcome that fear by trying to touch and hold them, but it allways ends up in somewhat beeing a terrorizing event.....**** I am a miserable ****, and the worst part is that it is true... it's so god damn stupid that its almost funny at same time...
How do you get rid of your worst nightmares?
The Very End
S3 licensed
The only sounds tonight will be me mastubating, dunno if you want a report of that.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Uff...thanks for explaining
Gun controll is the way to go I think. Banning guns in US would led to a riot, but more strict controll could work. As you say it is hard beeing from outside to understand how people think, but I hope that more and more people understands that more and easly accesable weapons = more victims of weapon desperados. The problem is the attitute: The only thing which can stop a badguy with a gun, is a goodguy with a gun.

And about the conspiracy thing linked above...jesus christ lol...rofl
The Very End
S3 licensed
The autorenew thing was activated for me when I made an account, so seems as it is standard from 2013 at least. Dunno how it was before.

But I am surprised paypal could autorenew stuff, though you had to confirm it first? Every payment I mean.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Or actually, not sure if I should laugh or cry, I think it's just sad actually. Everytime someone tries to get a weapon change law in USA it allways retilates back "but our rights blabla, constitution blabla"...
Are really the avarage Joe in America thinking this is O.K or is it just the ****ed up politicians who thinks that?
The Very End
S3 licensed
God damnit, LFSForum and it's imbreed mongoloids! Goodbye nightsleep!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :They're actually really cute when you get to know them. You can even pet them over their hairy legs, just like a dog or cat. I love furry spiders.

**** you, **** spiders, **** the whole world.
The Very End
S3 licensed

Damn why is not a fixed serie more popular? The fixed series (I guess the name "fixed" comes from fixed setup right?) proves great racing! At least for mazda cup that is
The Very End
S3 licensed
Brian! Try saying that again, try ****ING saying it again that those god damn 8 legged freaks are nice! They are like the devil itself, have houndreds of way to ****-you-up and ruining a great evening! I rather beeing stabbed than having those big Astralian spiders around me, I am dead ****ing serious!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Yeah what's up with that? Why is Kinder Chocolate banned in USA?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Use a transelating program to transelate it into english.

Short told: the guns we are talking about is actually able to kill a human. Why would a five year old kid have this? The article explains that it is tradition to pass guns down to next generation....well imo it is time to change your traditions!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Oh my god, what is this shit, what the **** am I seeing?! A child should never have a weapon. A weapon should only by used by an person which is old enough to understand the dangers by using it.

This is actually totally impossible for me to understand how guns could be markeded to kids.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Are you ****ing kidding me?!
The Very End
S3 licensed
When I every now and then fires up LFS it's because I just want some casual and fast fun. LFS good side is that it is very accessable. The bad part is that it feels it's pretty much on hold since the release of S2. However it might pick itself up again so for now I am lurking in the shadows, observing everyrhing
The Very End
S3 licensed
Hahah, yeah I cocked up things xD
In T1 there was this guy coming from outside and heading inside, did not manage to avoid him, and in T2 I cut the front of that poor red car because I though he had backed off before corner

Then in hairpin this guy spins in front of me and I step on the brakes to avoid him, but ends up beeing hit in the arse by car #7 and I bounch into the other car I tried to avoid and totaled both ;p

Well! Shit happens really, experience is gold!
Think I'll head to bed now, hope to see some of you guys tomorrow! Maybe when Alien desideds to sober up we should take a mazda race with some randoms ;p
The Very End
S3 licensed
Upcoming field is going to be interesting, close to no-one has done qualify so I have no idea where the "bar" is set yet. Starting from 8 position this is going to rather interesting for me to see how well (or bad) I perform in traffic.

Bad start, in pit atm. Hit one by mistake and got a revenge wreck back ;p
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The Very End
S3 licensed
Superb, thanks!
Are there many people driving the fixed Indy serie(s), and are they all god damn pro's or are there some people around...well let's face it, level 0 as me?

And thanks Alien, added you now! Last chance to join in for the race ;D Drunk or not haha

Deko - LOLWAT?

Edit: Yup, money is money. Save some, use some, they will eventually come to pass anyway
Last edited by The Very End, .